Exciting news! Over the last few months, Team FG has been busy behind the scenes and we’re excited to share with you some of the changes we’ll be implementing starting from the next issue!
A new layout, printed in full colour, will be the first thing you’ll notice. We’ve harmonised some of the sections to make it easier to browse through each issue, and to bring stunning local images to the forefront.
We’ve created Flying-Goose.org which will feature all the content you’ll get on the printed version, plus a number of interactive services for the community, with a particular emphasis on events and public-interest directories. This website is still work-in-progress. You can expect to see more content added on a weekly basis.
We also have a new email address, so if you’d like to reach out to us feel free to email editor@flying-goose.org. If you’d rather talk on the phone, call 01865 570 380.
Finally, a quick reminder that we’re always looking for new, exciting content, so send us your written pieces/photos and we’ll do our best to publish your content!
The next issue will be distributed at the end of March. We hope you will enjoy your new-look Flying Goose! Chris Maddison & Piero Stallo, Co-Editors