Good news for the people of Wolvercote. We will soon have a brand new building belonging to our local community!
As part of the planning agreement for the old paper mill, CALA Homes were obliged to provide Wolvercote with a ‘community facility’. So, they will soon hand over their former sales office – a bright, two-storey building and courtyard garden situated at the entrance to the new development, just beside the White Hart pub.
How will the building be managed? After conducting a survey of 300 households and holding a series of public meetings and workshops, a working group evolved of residents of Wolvercote Mill and the surrounding area. The group has now formed a Charitable Community Benefit Society (CBS) to take ownership of the building. This means that the building is now a community asset. Moreover, the organisation is democratic and accountable and welcomes any local resident to join the group and vote at the AGM or stand as a member of the steering group.
The plan is to open this month (the CBS is currently waiting for the lawyers to agree a completion date), offering affordable room hire for your events and parties, a pop-up cafe, co-working, group meet-ups and more.
The vision is to provide a vibrant, open-hearted and flexible space that welcomes, connects and nurtures everyone in our community, whoever you are, whatever your interests.
This is the beginning of our journey. We’re looking forward to discovering the best uses of this building for our community, working together with all local residents, groups and organisations. If you are interested in getting involved, booking a room or just want to find out more, visit www.thewolvercotemill.org or email info@thewolvercotemill.org.
Once we have a completion date, we will also be organising an open house so you can visit us for a cuppa, cake and tour of the building. Watch this space!