Wolvercote and Wytham are blessed with diverse habitats, including three designated SSSI’s providing homes for a large variety of plants and animals. This makes it a wonderful place to explore, discover and understand the wildlife around us, how they depend on each other and why we need to cherish and protect them.
So who are we and what do we do?
The DWW group is run by June Williams, Jo Malden and Steve Goddard and provides outdoor and indoor sessions for children aged 6 plus and their parent/guardian looking at the natural world around us here in Wolvercote and Wytham.
We have been running the wildlife group in some form or another (Wolvercote Wildlife Watch, then Wolvercote Wildlife Explorers) since 1993 looking at many aspects of local wildlife from the smallest minibeast to the larger mammals and winged predators such as Owls and Red Kites.
During the pandemic we were not able to continue so we decided to close the group but, missing the connection between children and wildlife and seeing the increasing importance of connecting the two, we reformed in 2021 this time running independently of our parent organisation, RSPB, by holding family group sessions instead.
When and where?
Our sessions are generally run every two months on a Saturday, usually mornings but sometimes afternoons depending on the preference of attending families. We meet in different places around the villages and the subject of the meeting and details are sent to all families on our mailing list as well as on Facebook.
If you would like to be sent information on our sessions, please click the button below to email us.