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The Wolvercote Morris, founded in 2006, is a relatively new side in the long tradition of Morris dancing. All indulge in this frolicking pastime for fun, using a variety of traditions for added interest, so you will see dances from Fieldtown, Adderbury, Bampton, Headington and Lichfield traditions and we aren’t averse to adding in a few variations of our own!
Through the summer months we “dance out” at our local pubs and join other sides to dance at summer fetes, festivals and other events around the Oxfordshire countryside, of course not forgetting the extravaganza of Morris dancing on May Day in Oxford. There are also the winter Morris Ales where many Morris sides join together for an exuberance of dance, colour, food, drink and merriment.
The most important event in our calendar, however, is our own Wolvercote and Wytham Midsummer festival where we dance and lead the colourful parade of children and parents up through the village to the church fete.
It keeps us fit and laughing – so that’s two good reasons. Knowing our left from our right helps, but lacking this ability simply exercises more laughter muscles! Morris dancers are a very friendly bunch so we have made many good friends in the process.
How to get involved
Do come and join us if any of the above ticks your boxes.
We practise on Wednesday evenings between 8-9pm in the church rooms behind St Peter’s Church or outside, around Wolvercote, in the summer months. We are a mixed side so you are welcome regardless of your gender, or indeed your age, and if you happen to play an instrument and can pick up a Morris tune or two – we’ll be even more delighted.
So if you are looking for an enjoyable way to keep fit and would like to find out more please email morris@wolvercote.org

Wolvercote Processional
To Wolvercote one Summers Day
Came some bright and jaunty fellows
With sticks and bells and tall black hats
All dressed in green and yellow
Down Godstow Road they stepped and strode
And laughed as they were prancing
And they all came down from Summertown
To see the Morris Dancing
Across the Bridge we’ll dance in line
Right over rail and water
And to the pub we’ll find the way
Our steps they will not falter
And there we’ll dance and play for you
Our summer entertainment
Cakes and ale is all we ask
For this by way of payment